DB-R Designs 2016 Design Catalog Textile and Paper
DB-R Designs has been a member of Etsy (the online artisan community) since 2012. However, recently we decided to open an Etsy store which features our textile and paper products. Browse through our catalog, DB-R Designs 2016 Design Catalog Textile and Paper and see how it all started!
Also, visit our Etsy store at DesignsDBR!
Catalog description: Capturing a flower, its motion or sway, its vivid color, and its contours and depicting these in pencil, paint, or on a design program is the study of all textile designers.
Flowes lend their elegance and sophistication to fabrics, changing the fabric from drab to fab! Taking it a step further, The DB-R Designs 2016 Design Catalog features a few florals that show their versatility from fabrics to gift wrapping paper to greeting cards.