Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Reader's Journal - The Opposite of Everything by David Kalish Part 2

The Opposite of Everything by author David Kalish, made its debut in March 2014, and DB-R Designs received a copy for review. We chose The Opposite of Everything as our next Reader's Journal book and the first part of this review was written by The Books Magazine, May|June 2014 issue.

The Opposite of Everything, has recently been awarded 1st Place in the Literary Category of the Somerset Awards for Literary & Mainstream Fiction! A great start don't you think?

Picking up where we left off in Daniel Plotnick's radical decision to do the opposite of everything that was natural for him, in David Kalish new book The Opposite of Everything, Plotnick plunged ahead in his decision without restraint or regret.

After being diagnosed with thyroid cancer, Plotnick decided that his life should be lived by his terms. Therefore, going against his very nature as the doting husband, Plotnick changed the locks to his apt and served his wife (of just a year) separation papers. But if that wasn't crazy enough, true to his word Plotnick did the opposite of his opposite! And so, under his wife's encouragement, gained for himself a mutual separation, kept his apartment, and returned to a life of bachelorhood!

The layers of complexity that writer Kalish has created here is worth mentioning. In a two dimensional world, the opposite of light is darkness. In Plotnick's world of negative-positive and ying-yang, the opposites take on their own opposites; thereby creating a three dimensional outlook on the circumstance, where readers can assess the length, breadth, and height of the situation. This dimensional element of the story, gives the reader the freedom to choose whether or not to stand back and survey the circumstance or be engaged in it as Plotnick bounces back and forth between the ying and yang of his decision.

However, one can't help but to be caught up in the story as Plotnick toddles back and forth between decisions as he organize, agonize, and rationalize his thoughts. In this successful yet very subtle approach by author Kalish to bring his readers closer to the main character, readers can feel Plotnick's struggle in that quick flash of decision making. You want to empathize and at the same time you want to pat Plotnick on the back for a job well done!

If you haven't gotten this book as yet, we suggest you get your copy as soon as possible and follow along with us as we read! Don't forget to read PART 1 of this book review in May|June's issue of The Books Magazine .

Connect with author David Kalish on his website:

Happy Reading!

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