Don and Cathy
Rush are the authors of Robby’s Quest Series: Robby’s Quest for Seed; Robby’s Quest: Ocean Bound; and Robby’s Quest: Return of the Cat. These books were Reviewed by Children's Book Examiner.
1. In your research on birds, what significant information about birds did you discover?
We did a little research on a few things such as the type
of birds that live in Ohio, how fast the birds actually fly, physical size and
colors of the birds and what they might enjoy eating. However, we noticed something interesting:

2. How were you inspired to
write about the birds?
We wondered how the birds could actually fly all those
miles, south for the winter, and what problems they might run into along the
way. We decided to write a short story about bird migration. Soon we had a few
pages, then a few chapters. Before you know it, our birds were taking us on a
wonderful adventure. We made sure the birds traveled to places we have previously
visited or lived so we would be familiar with at least some of the geography.
Then, since the birds had to communicate with each other, we added dialogue to
our stories. Were the birds speaking to each other, and if so what were they
saying? We wanted to create an adventure story that children would enjoy

3. Is
there a particular reason you chose a Robin to be the leader of the pack?

Actually, Robby likes to discuss all decisions with his
peers and have the birds vote on the critical issues. He flies at the front of
the pack mainly because he is experienced and a very strong flyer. Robby does
not have a problem listening to others for the overall good of the flock. Robby
gives encouragement to others. There is nothing he wouldn’t do for his friends.
This makes him the perfect leader.
First, we want the children to enjoy reading the books.
We think they are fun to read and we hope the adventures will keep the children
interested. Initially we did not have illustrations in our books. That was a
mistake and we have since added some very colorful pictures. We would like
children to enjoy watching and feeding birds. Birds are beautiful and graceful
creatures we should all admire. Besides that, we want the children to learn a
little about teamwork, leadership, democracy and especially friendship.
5. Are there more books in the series of Robby's
We have the three titles now, Robby’s Quest for Seed;
Robby’s Quest: Ocean Bound; and Robby’s Quest: Return of the Cat.
All three books are available on eBook from Amazon and paperback from
Createspace. We have just finished producing Robby’s Quest for Seed in
audio book format. Tracy Elman, voice-over expert from Los Angeles , beautifully narrated the book.
All audio books will be available at, and iTunes. Once
we publish Robby’s Quest for Seed in audio format, we will publish the
second and third books soon thereafter.
We recently began our fourth book about the birds
traveling north along the coastal highway from San Diego to San Francisco . This is a beautiful and scenic
route. We expect the birds to make plenty of fun stops along the trip. We would expect them to
stop in L.A., Big Sur, Carmel, maybe the Redwoods National Park and possibly
even Alcatraz Island. We can see the birds playing on top of the Golden Gate
Bridge. We just hope Joy and Josie don’t get themselves in trouble again.
Eventually the birds will make their way back to Ohio , where it all
began. In addition, Hershey the Cat will
be searching for his siblings. His travels will take him to Minnesota. We wonder what will happen
if Hershey crosses paths with the birds again? All together, we would like to
write a total of five books on the series, but we’ll have to wait and see what
the future brings.
Please visit us on our website
for the latest information on Robby’s